P003 → To Cheese or Not to Cheese
"What is this?"—This is the question I fear most from viewers.
"Uh... it is whatever you see," I often pause and then respond this way, evading the question.
Chen Hsiang-Jung frequently simplifies everyday objects into abstract, geometric forms, imbued with a sense of purity. In terms of Saussure's semiotics, his work seems to strip away the signified, leaving the viewer to focus solely on the signifier—the appearance of the object—emphasizing the form, color, texture, and other visual elements before them. In his work, the arrow pointing toward meaning or concept is not absolute, presenting a state of divergence and openness. He entrusts the task of linking the signifier and signified to the viewer, allowing for a variety of interpretations shaped by the viewer's cultural background and life experiences.
During his residency at the European Ceramic Work Centre (EKWC) in the Netherlands, Chen Hsiang-Jung used four common Dutch foods—Gouda cheese, stroopwafels, sausages, and croquettes—as prototypes for his creations. For the locals, these iconic foods are deeply embedded with connections to smell, taste, memory, and identity. However, as an outsider, Chen viewed these foods with a sense of detachment. He became fascinated by the vivid yellow wax coating of Gouda cheese, the way they are displayed in shops, the grid pattern on stroopwafels, the curvature of the sausages, and the slight sheen of their casings. To him, these foods have transcended their original context and become abstract entities.
陳向榮經常將日常生活中的事物簡化為抽象、幾何的造型,帶有一種純粹。若以索緒爾的符號學來說,他的作品像是去意義(所指 / signified),讓人停留在所見事物的表象(能指/signifier ),專注在眼前的造型、顏色、質感等。在他的作品裡,指向意義/概念的箭頭沒有那麼絕對,呈現一種發散而開放的狀態,他將能指與所指之間的聯結工作交給觀者,因觀者文化背景與生活經驗的差異而產生各種可能。